Browsing by Author "Åtland, Kristian"
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Bolstering the Bastion: The Changing Pattern of Russia's Military Exercises in the High North
Åtland, Kristian; Nilsen, Thomas; Pedersen, Torbjørn (2024-09-18)Between 2015 and 2022, Russia conducted a number of naval and air exercises, including live-fire drills, in the international waters and airspace on NATO’s northern flank. Some of this activity took place in the Norwegian ... -
Destined for deadlock? Russia, Ukraine, and the unfulfilled Minsk agreements
Åtland, Kristian (2020-01-27)Bringing peace, security, and stability to the war-torn region of Donbas has proven to be a challenging — some would say near-impossible — task. The "Minsk II" agreement, signed in February 2015, was supposed to put an end ... -
The European Arctic after the Cold War - how can we analyze it in terms of security
Åtland, Kristian (2007)Som sikkerhetspolitisk arena har nordområdene gjennomgått store og viktige endringer etter den kalde krigens slutt og Sovjetunionens oppløsning. Under den kalde krigen var Barentshavsregionen et av verdens tyngst militariserte ... -
Interstate Relations in the Arctic: An Emerging Security Dilemma?
Åtland, Kristian (2014)The five states that surround the Arctic Ocean— Russia, Canada, the United States, Denmark, and Norway—have in recent years taken various measures to protect their economic and security interests in the north. The measures ... -
Military Muscle-Flexing as Interstate Communication: Russian NOTAM Warnings off the Coast of Norway, 2015–2021
Åtland, Kristian; Pedersen, Torbjørn; Nilsen, Thomas (2022-06-14)When, where, and why does Russia issue warnings about missile launches and other potentially dangerous military activities in international waters and airspace west and north of Norway? Drawing on information derived from ... -
Myndighetsutøver, ressursforvalter og livredder – den russiske kystvakten i støpeskjeen
Åtland, Kristian (2016)The Russian Coast Guard, or Beregovaya okhrana, was formally established in 2007 and plays a crucial role in the management of natural resources located in the vast maritime areas under Russian jurisdiction. The purpose ... -
Norsk sjømakt 2030 - globale utviklingstrekk
Betten, Stian; Borgen, Per Christian; Knutsen, Bjørn Olav; Aas, Johan; Åtland, Kristian (2011-08-08)FFI-prosjektet ”Norsk Sjømakt 2030” (Sjømaktprosjektet) har som ambisjon å bidra til å kartlegge faktorer og sammenhenger som kan tenkes å påvirke sjømaktens anvendelse og anvendelighet i et lengre tidsperspektiv, herunder ... -
North European security after the Ukraine conflict
Åtland, Kristian (2016)Russia’s illegal occupation and annexation of the Crimean peninsula in February–March 2014, and the country’s well-documented involvement in the separatist conflict in Eastern Ukraine, have led to a significant ... -
Redrawing borders, reshaping orders: Russia’s quest for dominance in the Black Sea region
Åtland, Kristian (2021-01-04)Since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in March 2014, severe limitations have been placed on Ukraine’s coastal state rights and navigational freedoms in the Black and Azov Seas and the Kerch Strait. The "Kerch Strait clash" ... -
Russia and its Western Neighbours: A Comparative Study of the Security Situation in the Black, Baltic and Barents Sea Regions
Åtland, Kristian; Kabanenko, Ihor (2019-12-17)Since Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine in 2014, the security situation of Europe’s eastern "frontline states" has undergone significant changes. In and around the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Barents Sea, the ... -
Russia's Northern Fleet and the Oil Industry-Rivals or Partners? Petroleum, Security, and Civil-Military Relations in the Post-Cold War European Arctic
Åtland, Kristian (2009)Described as one of the world's most promising new energy provinces, the European Arctic is no longer primarily seen as a military playground. Russia's approach to the region is increasingly governed by national economic ... -
Russisk forsvarsutvikling frem mot 2020 : sluttrapport
Hakvåg, Una; Bukkvoll, Tor; Åtland, Kristian (2011-08-31)Russlands væpnede styrker er inne i en omfattende reform- og moderniseringsprosess. Sentrale stikkord i denne prosessen er profesjonalisering, gradvis nedbygging av den vernepliktsbaserte mobiliseringshæren, etablering ... -
Russisk nordområdepolitikk etter den kalde krigen : forholdet mellom næringsinteresser og militærstrategiske interesser
Åtland, Kristian (2003)This report aims at describing and analyzing important changes that have taken place in Russia’s approach to the European Arctic after the Cold War, emphasizing in particular the relationship between commercial and ... -
Russland amfibiske evne mot 2020 - kapasiteter og operasjonskonsept
Åtland, Kristian (2013-09-20)Siktemålet med denne rapporten er å gi et innblikk i den russiske marines amfibiske kapasiteter, herunder marineinfanteriet og den amfibiske fartøyparken, og diskutere hvordan Russlands evne til å gjennomføre landgangsoperasjoner ... -
Russland og Ukraina – krigsmål, virkemiddelbruk ogmåloppnåelse
Åtland, Kristian (2023-05-02)Det sikkerhetspolitiske landskapet i Europa er i 2022 blitt endret på dramatisk vis. Russlands fullskala invasjon av Ukraina, som startet den 24. februar, utviklet seg raskt til å bli den største og mest ødeleggende krigen ... -
Russlands forhold til NATO og EU - på vei mot et sikkerhetsfellesskap?
Åtland, Kristian (2003)Russia’s relations with European and Euro-Atlantic institutions have been significantly strengthened since the end of the post-Cold War period. President Putin’s Western orientation in foreign policy, and NATO’s and the ... -
Russlands militære intervensjon i Syria - bakgrunn, gjennomføring og konsekvenser
Åtland, Kristian; Bukkvoll, Tor; Enstad, Johannes Due; Tønnessen, Truls H. (2016-03-15)Russlands intervensjon i Syria, som primært ble gjennomført i perioden fra 30. september 2015 til 15. mars 2016, har vært Russlands første større “out of area”-operasjon siden den sovjetiske invasjonen i Afghanistan i ... -
Security implications of climate change in the Arctic
Åtland, Kristian (2010)The melting of the polar ice cap is opening previously inaccessible parts of the Arctic region to resource extraction and marine transportation. If the retreat of the Arctic sea ice continues at its current pace, ice ... -
War, diplomacy, and more war: why did the Minsk agreements fail?
Åtland, Kristian (2024-11-15)Despite significant Western involvement, most notably by the leaders of Germany, France, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the diplomatic efforts in 2014 and 2015 to forge a functioning ... -
When Security Speech Acts Misfire: Russia and the Elektron Incident
Åtland, Kristian; Bruusgaard, Kristin Ven (2009)In October 2005, the Russian trawler Elektron refused to be subjected to arrest when caught by the Norwegian coast guard fishing illegally in the Fisheries Protection Zone off the Svalbard archipelago. With two Norwegian ...