Utvikling og spredning av masseødeleggelsesvåpen og missilteknologi
Since the end of the Cold War the question of proliferation and possible use of weapons of mass destruction has
gained increased atten ti on. The lhreat is general ly considered to be more serious at the present time than during
the Cold War. The most imponant reasons for this are to be found in the massive politieal ehanges that have taken
place in international relations since the beginning of the 19905. rather than in technological development. The
problem of proliferation has to be dealt with in a number of ways. The existing multilateral agreements could
become imponant instruments in limiting proliferation. It is essential that consensus is maintained on how the
agreements should be implemenled. especially between the West and Russia. For NATO today the most salient
NBC-threat is the possible use of chemical or biological weapons against its forccs during operations outside
NA TO-territory.