Evaluation of hazards to occupant of the "Compact 230 Minecat" exposed to blast from 10 kg TNT
A mineclearing vehicle, Compact 230 MINCAT, of the rotating flail type has been developed by
Norwegian Demining Consortium (NoDeCo). The machine is of the rotating flail type, and is
based on the Bobcat 863 compact loader chassis.
This report evaluates the hazards to an operator seated in the vehicle when a blast mine
detonates during normal clearing operations. A simplified dummy equipped with accelerometers
and a spine force load cell was employed during detonation of 10 kg TNT under the flail.
Internal cabin pressure and cabin floor acceleration was also recorded.
By use of established damage criteria from the literature, it can be concluded that the operator
will not be injured, provided that the cabin is undamaged, the doors remain properly shut, and
the operator wears head and ear protection.