Comparison between analytical shock mechanic solutions and numerical solutions from the autodyn hydro code
Numerival codes, i.e. Autodyn are widely used for simulations purpose during impact and penetration of prosjectiles
into targets. To check the validity of the simulations during shock compression we first study the axiomatic structure of
the analytical shock mechanics mor slosely. Thereafter the analytical results are compared with results from the
simulations furing a onedimensional planar situation. By comparing the analytical shock solutions with the Autodyn
solutions, we find that the density, pressure and shock velocity are in good agreement with the results from the
analytical theory. But, we find that the energy at the reat of the shock show deviations from the analutivla rwatults. The
reasjon for this is probably related to the use of artificial viscosity inherent in the Autodyn codes. The use of the
Autodyn hydro code for shock impact problems where the temperature or the energy is important can therefore be