AMEC Project 1.1: Development and Manufacture of a Prototype Transportable Interim Storage Container for Damaged and Undamaged Spent Nuclear Fuel
The purpose of Arctic Military Environmental Cooperation (AMEC) Project 1.1 was to
develop and manufacture a prototype 45 ton container for the interim storage of spent and
damaged nuclear fuel removed from strategic submarines and icebreakers of the Russian
Federation. These containers must be form, fit, and function identical to the TUK-18 and
must be certified by Gostatomnadzor (GAN) for transportation and storage and by the
Ministry of Railways for rail transportation of the spent and damaged nuclear fuel from
strategic nuclear submarines and icebreakers.
Over a 4 year period, a group of government scientists and engineers, with the support of
technical experts designed, manufactured, and tested a prototype cask for the purposes of
storing and transporting spent nuclear fuel. This team was composed of government and
private sector employees from the Kingdom of Norway, the United States of American and
the Russian Federation working under the authority of AMEC.
A Certificate – Permission for Design, a License for Production, and aCertificate –
Permission for Transportation were obtained. A License for Storage or a combined License
for Transportation and Storage will need to be obtained before serially produced casks can be
used for their intended purposes.
With the testing and certification of the prototype TUK-108 cask (with the exception of
certification for transportation and licensing) this project is considered complete. Serially
produced TUK-108/1 casks (the serial production designation) have been demonstrated by
the Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation. These casks are currently being
put into use for purposes outside the mission of AMEC. However, the Cooperative for
Threat Reduction (CTR) under the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency is in the process
of procuring TUK-108/1 casks for storing and transporting spent nuclear fuel from SSBN
decommissioning activities in the Kola Peninsula region of the Russian Federation, which
does support the mission of the AMEC Program.